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Budd Reeves of Buxton, in Grand Forks Plaindealer: I have a mule that I wanted to raffle off for two years and don't dare to do it for fear of being arrested for gambling. Give me a precedent under the law and away goes the mule.

Jamestown Weekly Alert, 2/13/1890

A lunatic has created quite a stir down near the city of Wahpeton by appearing on the roadside stripped of his clothing and dancing an old time Indian war dance. An effort has been made on several occasions to capture him, but thus far he has managed to evade the would-be captors by hiding himself.

Ward County Independent, 9/30/1915

A Wicked Boy Wanted.

Wanted—a wicked boy about fourteen years of age to make a printer's devil of. Inquire at this office. tf

Bismarck Tribune, 4/14/1877

There have been a half dozen responses to our call for a wicked boy and the best of the joke is in the fact that all remind us that the school superintendent says the wicked boys always make the best men, but Henry Whitney, a very excellent boy has been taken on trial.

Bismarck Tribune, 4/18/1877


Rescuer Lowered Head First and Takes Her Out Unconscious.

Miss Marie Schmidt, working in the Schilling hotel at Oriska, attempted suicide by jumping into a well. She left a note addressed to God and everybody, stating that life held no charms for her. The well was curbed with 18-inch tile which was covered with ice. How to get her out was a question.

After some delay a man named Olson volunteered to go down. A heavy rope was tied tightly around his ankles and he was let down head first. The well was about twenty feet deep and the water was up to the girl's chin. He took hold of her and gave the signal to hoist. Six men had hard work to raise them and when up about half way Olson lost his hold and the girl again dropped to the bottom of the well.

He was let down again, secured another hold and his time was hailed to the top with the girl who weighed 165 pounds. The girl was unconscious and blood was running from Olson's mouth nose and ears. Miss Schmidt is twenty-two years of age.

Ward County Indepdendent, 4/6/1911


Body of Christ Johnson, a Kenmare Farmer, Found in Cellar.

With the face beaten to an unrecognizable mass and the head shot full of holes, the body of Christ Johnson, a Kenmare farmer, about sizty years old, was found in the cellar of his home, six and one-half miles south of Kenmare. R. S. Noah, who it is alleged, ran a blind pig in Minot for a year and a half and recently was released from the state penitentiary, and Patsy Coyle, who served time for robbing the post office at Newport, some time ago, were arrested and taken to Minot. Noah, whose home is supposed to be at Douglass {sp}, N. D., and a man by the name of Mills, supposed to be his father-in-law, appeared at the Commercial hotel at Kenmare a week ago. Noah had a gun and started out in the country, ostensibly on a hunting trip. He went to the home of Christ Johnson and hired out to him to work. Noah's father-in-law disappeared, and Patsy Coyle had not appeared on the scene.

Noah worked for Johnson until Johnson mysteriously disappeared. He was last seen on Thursday morning, when he started out to visit a neighbor, who lives a short distance away. He left the neighbor's place at 6:30 o'clock Thursday night, and was not seen again until his body was discovered yesterda yafternoon {sp} in the cellar of his home.

The theory on which Noah and Coyle are held is that Coyle went out to the Johnson home Thursday evening and that the two murdered him there. According to ther {sp} story, Noah and Coyle left the Johnson hame {sp} in a wagon about 8:15 Thursday night for Kenmare. Noah says that before he left the Johnson home he had made a deal with Johnson to buy his grain and personal property, paying him $650, and that Thursday night he drove Johnson to Kenmare, where he was to take the midnight train to St. Paul on his way to Europe.

Johnson's body was found in a corner of the cellar behind a potato bin. His head was curled down toward his feet. It is thought Johnson was murdered on his return from his neighbor's place, and that the body was thrown into the cellar in the hope that it might be concealed until the perpetrators of the crime had gone away.

Wahpeton Times, 4/9/1908

Unfortunate Waterfowl.

Wheaton, Minn., Special, April 15.—At Lake Traverse, a few miles west of this place, this morning hundreds of wild ducks and geese were discovered frozen into the thin layer of ice that formed during the night. Many were dead, but a large number were alive, held prisoners by the tips of their wings, unable to free themselves on account of being benumbed with the cold. Many were captured by farmers living adjacent to the lake. About ternty-five or thirty Indians from the Sisseton reservation seem to have anticipated something of the kind, and were at the lake early and captured nearly a wagon-box full of the helpless water fowl. A fourteen-year-old boy from this village succeeded in capturing 150 ducks and half a dozen geese. Yesterday during the storm a farmer driving along the shore of the lake killed a number with a whip, the birds huddled up in large numbers along the shore too exhausted by the cold to make any attempt to escape.

Langdon Courier Democrat, 4/20/1893

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