A. P. Hagen, a
Granite Falls, Minn., harness maker, attempted to shoot his wife, but she escaped jumping through a window. The sheriff attempted to arrest Hagen, when the latter shot himself through the body with a revolver, inflicting a fatal wound. The couple had domestic trouble for years, each accusing the other of unfaithfulness.
The Bad Lands Cow Boy, 4/17/1884
A brakeman at
Turtle Lake, who had made slanderous remarks about a young woman, was given a terrible horse whipping by the girl. The business men gave the brakie 24 hours in which to leave town.
Ward County Independent, 4/13/1911
Edward Hughes, manager of the electric light plant of Bismarck narrowly escaped assassination. Just before day-light, while he was alone at the works, he was startled by the sudden breaking in of a door. Thinking it was a tramp trying to gain admittance, he started to walk across the room, when some unseen person fired two shots at him. The bullets from the revolver whistled close to his head and were buried in the timber. One ball struck an insulator, and the flying glass injured Hughes' face, but otherwise he was not hurt. He called the police, but the would-be assassin could not be found.
Wahpeton Times, 4/23/1891
John Hoff Successful in Quest—Van Houten Case Dismissed.
Mandan, N. D., Feb. 8.—Two divorce cases were brought before Judge S. L. Nuchols of the district court during the week. The action brought by Emily Van Houten vs. Jogn Van Houten, was dismissed for lack of prosecution, neither party being present in court.
A divorce was granted to John Hoff of Elgin from his wife, Catherine Hoff. Attorney H. R. Berndt of Elgin was the counsel for the former. The decree was granted on the grounds of desertion. Mrs. Hoff is at present in Canada.
Grand Forks Evening Times, 2/8/1913
Portal, N. D., Sept. 30.—Sheriff Warren Health was in this office this morning and informed us that seven toughs held up some laborers at one of the dago shacks near Bowbells last night. These fellows made their victims disrobe and stabbed one of them in the back. The sheriff gave chase, catching one of the gang, but the others are still at large.
Ward County Intependent, 9/30/1915
The children of Joseph Lundy of
Bottineau were playing with an ax and a little boy chopped off a finger of his five-year-old sister, besides crushing and gashing the back of the hand.
Wahpeton Times, 4/18/1907