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Town Rivalry Leads to Extreme Measures in "Getting Even."

Kermit, S. D. {sp}, April 4.—Much bitterness prevails between Noonan and Kermit as a result of business rivalry, and the recent arrest of C. H. Manhart on a charge of burning a building belonging to Noonan parties, who were moving it from Kermit to Noonan. J. M. Johnson, who was one of the witnesses in the case, was bombarded recently with rotten eggs by women of Kermit.

Wahpeton Times, 4/9/1908

Citizens Watch 36 Horses Burn.

Steele.—When the J. W. Klinefelter barn was destroyed by fire here residents turned out with interest to watch thirty-six horses burn. Although many persons expressed regret and commented on the monetary loss entailed by the fire, none attempted to rescue the imperiled horses as the flames gained headway. In fact, their destruction occasioned a sort of entertainment for the shoppers returning home from town. They were made of wood.

Sioux County Pioneer, 1/7/1916

As a result of deliberate work on the part of someone about a dozen dogs are dead from poisoning, several of that number being valuable bird dogs. The Courier admits that a lot of dogs have been annoying of late, but we don't believe that poisoning is the proper way to remedy the matter. If there are any dogs around town that are a nuisance the proper thing to do is to shoot those dogs outright not scatter poisoned meat all over the the {sp} town and destroying valuable dogs indiscriminately. Several pounds of meat covered with strychnine have been picked up around town. This we say is dead wrong and an injustice to those who have bought and raised valuable hunting dogs. If the poisoner would think this matter over he could not help but see it in this light. If the dog assassin is found out he should be prosecuted as severely as the law will allow.

Cooperstown Courier, 3/5/1903


J. J. Roddy of Minot, Who Was Injured in Theater, Asks $10,000.

Minot, N. D., Feb. 28.—J. J. Roddy, who was badly hurt a year ago last fall when he fell through an open trap door in one of the exists leading from the Lyceum theater, is asking $10,000 damages for the injuries he alleges to have sustained at that time. An action which he commenced against E. B. McCutcheon, who was proprietor at that time, is being tried in district court today.

Roddy was emerging from the theater by way of an exit leading onto Second street and failed to see that the trap door was open. He sustained a broken ankle and other injuries which he claims are of a permanent nature.

Grand Forks Evening Times, 2/28/1913

Lost Cow Found in Deserted Shack.

Conrad Busch of near Sawyer lost three head of cattle two weeks ago and scoured the country for them. He had about given them up, when his son found them in a deserted shack a mile from his home. They had gone into the building, and in some way the door was forced shut. When discovered, they were nearly dead, from the lack of food and water, but will probably pull out all right.

Ward County Independent, 4/6/1911

Clad In Nightclothing Walks Miles Thru Snow


Crazed by drink, Charles Gruman, a wealthy farmer residing six miles south of Oriska drove his wife out of their farm home at an early hour Saturday morning, compelled her to run three miles through the snow to a neighbor's, clad in nothing but her night clothes.

Gruman is said to have been having more or less marital troubles in recent months, and the trouble Friday night came as the result of a protracted spree. Becoming incensed, for some reason, Gruman it is said to have made an attack upon his wife when he came into the house at two o'clock in the morning.

Mrs. Gruman had retired for the night, but her fear of her husband's attack, ran out into the night, and started for a neighbor's. A three mile walk was necessary before shelter was reached, and the woman was nearly exhausted by the time she had reached help.

The neighbors telephoned the sheriff at Valley City, and Saturday morning Gruman was arrested and brought to town. He was arraigned before Judge I. J. Moe Saturday afternoon, and was bound over under peace bonds of $1,000.

Valley City Times-Record, 3/27/1913

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