Unrecognizable Mass

Unfortunate Waterfowl.

Wheaton, Minn., Special, April 15.—At Lake Traverse, a few miles west of this place, this morning hundreds of wild ducks and geese were discovered frozen into the thin layer of ice that formed during the night. Many were dead, but a large number were alive, held prisoners by the tips of their wings, unable to free themselves on account of being benumbed with the cold. Many were captured by farmers living adjacent to the lake. About ternty-five or thirty Indians from the Sisseton reservation seem to have anticipated something of the kind, and were at the lake early and captured nearly a wagon-box full of the helpless water fowl. A fourteen-year-old boy from this village succeeded in capturing 150 ducks and half a dozen geese. Yesterday during the storm a farmer driving along the shore of the lake killed a number with a whip, the birds huddled up in large numbers along the shore too exhausted by the cold to make any attempt to escape.

Langdon Courier Democrat, 4/20/1893


Posted 04/14/2018