Bad Gash

A trio of friends—W. V. Wade, P. Brickley and W. McIntyre—soon after rising yesterday morning, proceeded to each take an eye opener and as 'chasers' they asked to be given seltzer water. Among the bar bottles was a soda water bottle containing ammonia which had been obtained for cleaning windows, and the bartender, ignorant of its having been put there, poured out ammonia in place of soda water. The men tossed off their drinks and the 'chasers' followed. In a moment there were loud calls for doctors and antidotes. Mr. Wade and Mr. Brickley swallowed but little of the stuff and they are not much worse for their experience, but Mr. McIntyre's mouth and throat were badly injured. He is in charge of Dr. Brown who considers his case rather serious.

Bismarck Tribune, 11/13/1897

Fatally Shot

Posted 11/08/2016