A drunken man entered a residence at
Page and was chased away by a thirteen-year-old girl with a revolver.
Golden Valley Chronicle, 6/6/1907
Well Digger Has Accident
Tony Hutton, living in Fairview addition, who has been operating a well drilling outfit on the Russell Irwin farm north of town was brought to Langdon Friday to undergo the amputation of part of the fingers of his left hand which had gotten caught and badly crushed in the machinery of the drill, the power for which is furnished by a gasoline engine. Hutton was brought to town in an auto and was in quite a weak condition owing to the loss of blood. He narrowly escaped the loss of the hand.
Cavalier County Farmer's Press, 5/20/1920
Drowned In Water Tank
Body Found by the Hired Man on His Return from Work in the Field.
The sad and peculiar circumstances which surround the death of the three year old son and only child of Mr. and Mrs. Ole Hegseth, who live about three miles north of Sentinel Butte, on Monday last, has caused a shock to the entire community. Mr. Hegseth was away from home at the time of the accident.
As near as we can learn the particulars they are as follows:
About the time the hired man came in from the field, the little fellow went out to play in the yard, but whether he was seen by the hired man is not known but when he took the horses to the water tank for a drink he was horrified to find the lifeless body of the little boy, who had evidently went to that particular place, knowing that there is where he would first see his father. A physician was immediately telephoned for and everything that could be thought of was done in the way of resuscitation, but without avail. He is the only child and his death is an exceptionally severe bereavement to the afflicted parents, to whom the sympathy of the entire community is extended.
The funeral services were held at Sentinel Butte on Wednesday afternoon, Rev. Theo. Bursett of the Lutheran church of this city oiciating. {sp} Interment was made at the Sentinel Butte cemetery.
Golden Valley Chronicle, 6/12/1914
Accused of Fratricide.
Anton Shor is accused of killing his brother, Joseph Shor, by running a pickaxe through his heart. Joseph was putting a fence across a section line, shutting Anton out from going to his land unless he went the other way, a mile and a half longer. Joseph refused to put in a gate and a quarrel ensued. Anton is thirty years old and has a wife and one child.
Joseph is survived by a widow and two children and is said to have been looked upon as a bad character, while Anton has the best of reputation. He was brought to Grafton by Deputy Sheriff Jacobson and held in jail awaiting the verdict of the coroner's jury. Self-defense is likely the plea.
Another brother of the defendant hanged himself about three years ago in the cell where Shor is now confined.
Bowbells Tribune, 6/15/1906
J. B. Fitzgerald was accidentally hurt yesterday afternoon by riding against a barb wire fence during a little horse race with Jos Bellivou. The pony was cutq uite
{sp} badly, and Mr. Fitzgerald had a wrist bone broken, besides several scratches on legs and arms.
Jamestown Alert, 6/10/1886
A young man traveling under the name of Frank Williams, practicing as an occultist, stopped at Minot a few days last week. He got so fresh by insulting young ladies that the men of Minot thought they would season him up a little, and accordingly proceeded to decorate him with unlimited numbers of rotten eggs. The crowd followed him to the car door of the west-bound train, and just as he was entering the car he received another volley of discarded hen fruit. He intended to stop at Williston, but he failed to get his toilet arranged in time to make a presentable appearance.
Williston Graphic, 6/13/1900