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Grey wolf scalps are being taken into Medora, the county seat of Billings, in large numbers. Auditor Foley reports one person who took in 60 pelts for bounty at one time and also had 30 others at Dawson county, Montana. At this season of the year it is an easy matter for hunters to locate dens and dig out the pups, which count the same as grown wolves in securing county bounty. Some of the large cattle outfits, like the 777 and W bar, for example, make a distinction, paying $2.50 per scalp for the young and $5 for the old wolves.

Dickinson Press, 5/30/1896

Two smallpox patients who died at St. John were buried near the pest-house, but some one afterward exhumed the bodies and buried them in the cemetery.

Wahpeton Times, 5/27/1904

On Wednesday afternoon Jake Hafner senior and son came into town with several bad scalp wounds which they had received by a blow from a hammer at the hands of Dice Rimel, so they claimed. The blows were struck as a result of a dispute which arose over some cattle that belonged to Haffner, which Rimel claimed were trespassing on his land.

There has been an old fued {sp} existing for some time between these parties, and this is the second time that Rimel has been guilty of such an offense. A warrant was sworn out by Haffner for Rimel's arrest, and Chas. H. Dahl, in the absence of J. W. Jones the deputy sheriff, was deputized by Judge Wm. Cummings to arrest Rimel, but when Mr. Dahl arrived at Rimel's home it was reputed that he had gone to Glendive to give himself up, but telephone communications disclosed the fact that this was not true. So far nothing has been heard of his whereabouts. But the authorities are determined to find him and bring him back and for that purpose State Attorney Slattery arrived and sent Jones out to find his man.

Later: Friday Mr. Rimel came into town and appeared before Justice Cummings, who bound him over to the district court. He was released to secure bonds in the amount of $2000.

Golden Valley Chronicle, 6/12/1914

Crushed by Falling House.

Francis Parsley, who had been a resident of Minot for the past two months, was injured last week by the falling of the Scofield house, which was located on the lot purchased by the Elks. The house was being moved, and was just taken from the drop over the sidewalk. Parsley was under the house arranging the boards when the main support broke, allowing a part of the weight of the house to drop on the man's thigh. Jacks were quickly brought into play, and the house raised from the man.

The (North Lemmon) State-Line Herald, 6/26/1908

Death again visited the home of Herbert Westbury, early this morning, and took from that stricken home a son, aged seven years. Scarlet fever in its most violent form is ravaging the family, and this son is the second victim. Other children are as yet in great danger. The family has the heartfelt sympathy of its host of friends in this sad bereavement. Later: Another child, a bright little girl of two years, was torn from the loving embrace of its parents.

The (North Lemmon) State-Line Herald, 6/10/1910

Great Northern train No. 4 was saved from a wreck Tuesday by a boy nine years of age, who was walking along the track one mile west of Norwich when he discovered a piece of rail about eight inches long broken out of the track. He gave the signal for the train to stop which would otherwise have been ditched.

Ward County Independent, 4/13/1911

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