Ray Pioneer took exceptions to a sermon on dancing delivered by the Methodist minister of that place. The minister had denounced the
round dance as a sensual and estial
{sp?} orgie, calculated and intended to inflame the passions and encompass the moral downfall of the participants. The
Ray Pioneer says in part:
"Had the writer of the sermon attended any dances in this community he would have been a more competent critic than he is. We can inform him that the round dance as we have witnessed it here includes no amorous embraces, no half nude breasts or arms disclosed to inflame the sensual appetite. The position of the dancers is simply one of grace and decorum and no improper contact of the person is permitted or even attempted or suggested. The suggestion of the disinclination of relatives of opposite sexes to join together in the round dance is ridiculous and palpably untrue, simply the effusion of a disordered brain."
Ward County Independent, 4/6/1911
JAMESTOWN, N.D., April 3.—Fred Altrock, a transient, was arrested on a white slavery charge, and appeared in the district court for a hearing. He and his wife were stopping at a local hotel and on complaint of Humane Officer Blake, a warrant was issued for Altrock. He showed a marriage license and a certificate of marriage to the woman in question, who is only about 20 years of age and rather prepossessing in appearance. It is said that the couple had been traveling from place to place since December last, stopping for three or four days at a town and then moving on and that the man was living off of the earnings of the woman. He appeared in the district court and waived examination. The woman is said to have been an inmate of a disreputable joint in Fargo, before starting out on the road with the defendant. Assistant States Attorney Thorp acted in the case in the absence of States Attorney Chase. It was expected that the court would impose a sentence after conclusion of the hearing.
The two girls, Myrtle Everson and Alma Stockness, sentenced yesterday to the reform school and an indeterminate sentence at the state pen, left today for Mandan and Bismarck.
Bismarck Tribune, 4/4/1913
White Slaver Pleads Guilty at Jamestown
Fred Altrock, who gave his residence as Fargo, plead guilty to Judge Coffee of the general charge of white slavery and was given an indeterminate sentence in the state penitentiary. The woman in the case, a Fargo girl whom he said he had married in Moorhead, was also before the judge for a disposition of her case.
In justice court, where the case was first brought before Police Magistrate Murphy, the woman, who is a girl in stature and years, said that her father is dead and her mother poor. She early had to support herself and did so clerking in Fargo stores for a very small wage. What she earned was insufficient for her needs and she eked it out by the downward path and the presents given to her. The cause of her ruin, and that of many others in Fargo, she is said to have given as "Stone's old dance hall," where she said liquor was introduced and young girls took the first step wayward.
The woman is quite prepossessing.
Mrs. Blake left Wednesday morning for Mandan with Miss Myrtle Evertson {sp} to the reform school.
Valley City Times-Record, 4/10/1913
Entered A Plea of Guilty of White Slavery—Victim goes to Reform School
JAMESTOWN, N. D., April 3.—Alma Stockness, a young woman 19 years of age, was before the district court charged with white slavery. She was formerly from Fargo, and it is alleged that she came to this state about two years ago from Minnesota and induced a young girl by the name of Myrtle Everton {sp}, to accompany here to Mandan, where they have been living the past month. The younger girl in the case was found in disreputable company in Fargo, and was taken in charge by the Y. W. C. A., and a ticket bought for her to return to Valley City, where she formerly lived with respectable foster parents. The Stockness woman, who had made Myrtle's acquaintance in Fargo, boarded the same train and prevailed on the girl to go to Mandan, where their lives were more of a deplorable kind. It is claimed that a number of Mandan men were implicated in the scheme to keep the girls there for the purpose mentioned, but so far no direct evidence has been secured against them.
The Stockness woman was induced to come back to Valley City, and was there arrested, Humane Officer Blake had the case in charge.
In Judge Coffey's court the young woman at first declined to plead guilty but afterwards changed her mind and admitted the facts. She was given an indeterminate sentence which may last from one to five years according to her conduct.
Myrtle, the younger girl, was sentenced to the state reform school. She is an orphan and come from South Carolina. Her step-father abused her, and she was allowed to shift {sp?} for herself at an early age. She has been living the life alleged only a few weeks.
The Stockness girl has a relative in Minnesota who says is dependent on her. Both girls were found inmates of a disreputable joint in Mandan, kept by a Chinaman with one eye. States Attorney Engler of Valley City appeared in the case for the county and Deputy Sheriff Kelley and an attendant accompanied the girls to this city where the hearing was had.
It is claimed that there are numerous young girls in Mandan who are living under the same conditions as related in the Stockness case. Fargo and Moorhead, in one way or the other, seem connected wich {sp} almost every case of this kind brought before the court.
Bismarck Tribune, 4/4/1913
Nickle In Throat.
The little two and a half year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Kindle of Springbrook swallowed a nickle {sp} Saturday, and as it gave her considerable trouble she was brought to the city Monday for treatment. An X-ray examination disclosed the nickle lodged in the little girl's throat. It was removed and the little girl was taken home apparently none the worse for her experience.
Ward County Independent, 9/30/1915
Towner kid who was playing around a moving train was carried to Minot before he could get off.
Wahpeton Times, 5/13/1904
Montana Boy Disappears and Is Found In Nebraska.
Billings, Mond., April 16.—Ralph W. Sheffe, the twelve-year-old boy who disappeared from this city a few days ago, has been located at Alliance, Neb., and is now en route to home. It has been ascertained beyond doubt that the lad did not leave home voluntarily, but was either enticed or forcibly taken away by hour hoboes, as these men were seen to put him in a box car at Huntley. It is not known yet how the boy eluded these men at Alliance.
Wahpeton Times, 4/18/1907
Fargo has rival water wagons and one of the drivers dosed the other wagon with kerosene and the fellow didn't find it out till he had delivered oily water to half of his customers.
Bismarck Tribune, 4/16/1901