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Burned Out—Misfortune seems to follow the Terwilliger family in Cromwell township. Mrs. Terwiliger {sp} was burned to death by prairie fire last week, and on return from the funeral of his wife the husband found his farm house and home in ashes from another prairie fire.

Bismarck Tribune, 5/9/1903


Compelled Owner to Run Down a Calf Before the Machine Was Released.

John Pederson of Edmore has a new automobile of which he is justly proud. He attended the ball game at Bartlett recently, going there in his new machine. When the rain came up he wished to protect the auto, so he drove it up to a barn intending to run it into shelter. The only available space in the building was occupied by a calf. This, however, did not appear to be much of a matter, so he turned the occupant out and ran the machine in. Soon afterward the owner appeared on the scene and demanded by what right the premises had been invaded. John tried to explain, but without avail. The proprietor informed him that the calf must be caught and that the machine would be held as security for return of the animal. Then ensued one of the liveliest foot races on record. The calf pursued the devious tenor of his ways and the Edmore man pursued the calf. Around and through the town they ran, amid the cheers of all beholders. Some of the spectators cheered the calf and some cheered the man, but all enjoyed the race to the utmost. Finally, however, the human brains and perseverence {sp} won, and the quadruped was again returned a close prisoner, while Mr. Pederson made haste to shake the dust of Bartless from hfs {sp} shoes.

Wahpeton Times, 5/27/1904

After being buried in North Dakota soil for twenty-three years a silver watch in perfect running condition has been recovered by its original owner, Louis Hermanson of Americus township. The timepiece was lost when Hermanson was plowing on his tree claim and, though he searched some time for it, he failed to recover it. Some years later he sold the land to August Marquardt and a farmhand plowed it up while preparing the land for spring seeding. Upon shaking it began ticking merrily and has kept perfect time ever since.

Ward County Independent, 4/13/1911

William Wilson, who was arrested at Jamestown for forgery, says he forged checks on a Canadian bank to be revenged upon the Canadian government for having jailed him for horse stealing, of which he was guiltless.

Devils Lake Inter Ocean, 5/23/1902

Jamestown.—George Werre, seven-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Werre, burned to death when the barn which he ignited, caught fire and was destroyed. The family thought the little boy had gone to Sunday school and his terrible death was not discovered until firemen brought the charred remains out of the building.

Cavalier County Farmer's Press, 5/20/1920

A strange case involving a point of law and illustrating the feminine love of jewelry came to light at the North Star the other night. Fred Chamberlin had ordered two soft boiled eggs for supper and was just extracting the meats, congratulating himself, the while, that they were done exactly to his taste, when he made a discovery which made him think at first that the biddy had swallowed one of her teeth filling and all. The object snugly tucked away within the shell proved to be a pearl and gold collar button with a ruby settings. John Crary claimed the find at once but an able legal light soon convinced him that he had passed possession. Fred still has the button which he will show to any one who doubts the story.

Devils Lake Inter-Ocean, 5/19/1899
Ed. Note: this likely is not true, although old wives' tales exist about such a thing happening.

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