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A reward of $25 has been offered for the apprehension and conviction of the person who put water in the keyhole of the butchershop one cold night recently and compelled the owner of the place to break open the back door in order to open his establishment the following day.

The Fargo Forum and Daily Republican, 2/6/1915

A Fargo Suicide.

Fargo, Dak., May 23—Early this morning N.E. Kelly died from a fatal dose of morphine, taken with suicidal intent. An inquest returned a verdict of premeditated suicide. He had been in Fargo but two or three weeks, and is said to have wealthy relatives in southern Minnesota. At first he gambled and won some money, but abandoned cards and drank so that he was on the verge of delirium tremens. He was under the care of a physician at the time of his death, and had promised to stop drinking. His remains will probably be sent to his friends.

Bismarck Tribune, 5/30/1884

Sioux Falls, Dak., May 7—J.N. Utterbank and C.R. Thomson, travelling artists, while making a moonlight sketch of the falls last evening, went to the rocks in the middle of the falls on a plank. When returning, Utterbank was knocked into the river and drowned. They came here from Topeka, Kas., a few days ago, and their home is said to be in Iowa.

Bismarck Tribune, 5/9/1884

Teachers Do Not Run Their Schools Right

Odense Farmer to be Examined by Insanity Baord at Mandan Tomorrow

Mandan, N.D., May 3.—Eugene Duffy, Odense farmer, was yesterday morning arraigned before the County Judge Johnson for an insanity hearing.

Duffy believes he owns all the land in the country and thinks that schoolteachers do not run their schools right.

His main delusion is that he brews over the fact that a man should own all the land north of a section line when the description of the land says "N". It makes no difference to him whether it is the Northwest One Quarter of Section 10 or not so long as it has the letter "N" in the description he owns all the land north of that piece of land.

In reality he owns 160 acres but he emphatically insists that he owns 800 acres. He has worried over the matter until he has become insane.

He also harbors the belief that all the school children are in trouble, and that they have not the proper kind of seats, believing that if they lean one certain way they will severely injure themselves.

Before being taken into the custody of the county officials, he visited a number of schools and advised the teachers that the seats would have to be fixed different.

Duffy has been a resident of the Odense vicinity for a number of years. He is a single man and is about 45 years old. He will be examined by the insanity board tomorrow, and will no doubt be committed to the state asylum.

Bismarck Tribune, 5/3/1917


Little Youngster Left With Parents in Mandan Now in Custody of State

Mandan, N.D., June 8—The baby son of Mr. and Mrs. Ludwig, former managers of the Grand cafe, who was deserted here and left at the home of Henry Grosgebauer, has been taken to Jamestown by Juvenile Officer Blake until a desirable home can be found for the little tot.

The whereabouts of the baby's father is unknown. Yesterday it became known that Mrs. Ludwig is in St. Paul, where she is living with a former husband, it is said. The Ludwig baby has been at the Grosgebauer home practically ever since it was born.

Bismarck Tribune, 6/8/1917


Redfield, S.D., May 13. William Issenbuth, state's attorney, was shot and slightly wounded today by Wm. Tomasen, a young man who is not considered sane. The shooting took place about 10 o'clock this morning Issenbuth's office.

Thomasen, standing in the hallway just outside of the office, fired three shots with a .38 calibre revolver and Issenbuth, who was seated at his desk in the office. The second shot fired took effect, the bullet striking Issenbuth in the left hip.

As Issenbuth then tried to make his escape into antother room, Tomsen followed him, but before he could do so he was seized and overpowered by S.A. Black and A. D. Moore, both of Mellette, who were in the office at the time. Tomsen carried two revolvers.

Mr. Issenbuth was taken to Aberdeen for treatment of his wound, which is not considered serious.

Tomsen lives south of Redfield. His sanity has been questioned for some time and he has lately been suffering from the delusion that Mr. Issenbuth, who has fall took official notice of his condition, has been persecuting him.

Drs. Chichester of Redfield and Murdy in a search for the bullet with the X-ray located it four or five inches from the end of the spinal column, but were unable to remove it.

The patient was resting well early this morning in St. Luke's hospital.

His wife and brothre, E.C. Issenbuth, and Father MacCannachle attended him from Redfield.

Bismarck Daily Tribune, 5/13/1911

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