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Mexican Shoots Man

Raleigh.—Michael Bowles, aged 30, was shot, probably fatally, by Benjamin Guyer. The two men were members of a party that had taken an auto ride to Flasher, but on their return here an altercation arose, during which the shooting occurred. Guyer is a Mexican, who came here about two months ago from the Arizona border. Deputy Sheriff Wicks of Flasher came here to arrest the assailant.

Cowboy Held For Shooting

Flasher.—Ben Guyer, the Mexican cowboy who shot Michael Bowles, has been bound over to the district court for assault with a deadly weapon. The amount of bail was fixed at $1,000, which he furnished, and he returned to Flasher. Bowles was wanted by officials of Morton County on a blind-pigging charge, and despite his wound, he skipped out in the direction of Shields. He was located Friday by Deputy Sheriff John Wicks, who took him to Mandan for a preliminary hearing.

Turtle Mountain Star, 6-19-1913


Name Like Her Brother's in News of Titanic Wreck

Grand Forks.—News of the Titanic disaster, of which she read nearly fifty columns, caused Mrs. Mary Soltierg of this county to go insane. This story was brought out before the county commission on insanity when she was arraigned. The name of a victim identical with that of her brother proved her undoing. The woman was arrested by the Grand Forks police.

Turtle Mountain Star, 5/30/1912


Hired Man, Discovered in Act of Assaulting a Domestic, Fires Three Shots


Murderer Immediately Turns Gun on Himself in Attempt to End His Life

(Special to Tribune)

Dickinson, N.D., May 1—James Caldwell, wealthy land owner of Stark county, living in the vicinity of Taylor, N.D., made famous by his defense in the suit started by "J.C.R.," known as the "man of mystery", together with his wife, was murdered in cold blood by their hired man, Mike Shumek, yesterday noon on the Caldwell farm, 20 miles south east of here.

Tries to Take Own Life.

Details of the crime reaching here this afternoon state that the murderer immediately turned the gun on himself in an attempt to end his life. He is not expected to live. The shot pierced one of his lungs.

The tragedy occurred, it is said, when Caldwell and his wife upon returning to the homestead made famous in the trial proceedings held in this city last winter, discovered the hired man assaulting a 14-year-old girl working on the Caldwell farm. When Caldwell talked with Shumek about it, the latter fired in rapid succession on both the farmer and his wife.

The girl fled to a nearby home.

State's Attorney Bergeson of Stark county, who left for the scene immediately, telephones this afternoon from Taylor that the shooting occurred yesterday noon and not last night as has been supposed, and that the tragedy occurred in the Caldwell barn.

The girl, Ellard Cross, gave her age as 14 years, and was employed as a domestic on the Caldwell farm. She admitted that Mike Shumek, the hired man, 27 years old, had assaulted her.

Both Killed Instantly.

The shots were fired from an automatic rifle, the bullet striking Mrs. Caldwell under the chin and resulting in instant death. The shot fired at her husband struck him in the right ear.

The alleged murderer was taken to a hospital at Dickinson this afternoon.

The Bismarck Tribune, 5/1/1917

Developments in Slope Murder Case

Mike Chamak, hired man, says Caldwell shot at him; that he grabbed gun from rancher and fired first at Mrs. Caldwell and then husband. Buried bodies with straw in barn.

Fourteen-year-old domestic says alleged murderer tied her to bed with strips and assaulted her. Says he returned after killing Caldwell and wanted her to kill him. On refusing he sent bullet into his breast.

Chamak under guard at Dickinson hospital, is native of Russia and is 27 years old. Worked for Caldwells two years.

Coroner's inquest to be held at Taylor Tuesday forenoon, postponed. Will be held at Dickinson this evening. Members of jury are Dickinson men.

After murder, alleged slayer crawled to farm home near by, first turning cattle loose from ranch.

Bismarck Tribune, 5/2/1917

Allan Kafer, 4, was isntantly killed while playing in the street when struck by an auto driven by a 16-year-old girl.

Turtle Mountain Star, 5/11/1922


Five-Year-Old Son of Robert Lehman in Hospital in Bismarck

Playing hold-up may result fatally for Wilfert, 5-year-old son of Robert Lehman, farmer, living west of Hebron.

Mike Sayler, 13, and a few other boys were playing with a 22-calibre rifle at being bandits when Mike ordered the other boys to hold up their hands. They did. The gun was discharged, the bullet entering the Lehman boy's upper jaw and crashing through his skull. Physicians hold little hope for his recovery. He is in a Bismarck hospital.

Bismarck Tribune, 5/2/1923

Well Digger Fell to Death

Glen Ullin, N.D., Mar 6 Jacob Flemmer Jr. met death in a well on his father's farm 18 miles northwest of this place. Young Flemmer was assisting in boring a well, and when down to the depth of about 86 feet something went wrong with the machinery. They {sp} young man started down to find out the trouble and when he had descended about half way he was seen to release his hold on the rope and fall to the bottom of the well, being instantly killed.

Bismarck Daily Tribune, 3/6/1911

Killed Under Train

Vance, N.D., May 1.—(AP)—William Lehtmaki, 21, Iron River, Wis., was killed late yesterday when he slipped and fell under a Great Northern train here while attempting to board it as it was pulling away from the station.

Bismarck Tribune, 5/1/1928

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