Epileptic Fit


Jim Thomas, Recently Released, Caused Commotion on South Eight Street Today.

Jim Thomas, 65 years old, an ex-convict, released from the pen July 7, caused some commotion on south Eighth street this afternoon, when he flashed a six-shooter. He was intoxicated at the time.

Several bystanders did not like the looks of the cannon which Thomas pulled from his pocket, and the police station was immediately informed. Thomas was arrested by Chief Fortune and Deputy Sheriffs Hubert and Roop. He offered no resistance.

Thomas is said also to have written out a check on a local bank, for the sum of $10, and succeeded in cashing it. He had absolutely no funds in the bank. He will appear for his hearing tomorrow morning.

Bismarck Tribune, 7/14/1914

Firing Anvils

Posted 07/14/2015