Three Drunks Up

Dakota Doings.

It has been learned that Mrs. O'Brien, the patient at the Yaukton {sp} insane asylum reported as having died, in reality committed suicide.

George Smart was seriously injured at Grand Forks while assisting to move a marble slab from a dray, the slab falling on him and fracturing his collar bone.

The farmers of Potter county say there is no more trouble to be feared from the glanders, and no quarantine will be asked for. The diseased animals have been killed.

During the electric storm of Sunday night a cyclone passed over Miller, demolishing the residence and barn of John Scott. The family escaped by taking refuge in the cellar.

Mrs. Alice Cook, the victim of last January's Blizzard, in which, it will be remembered, she lost a part of each foot, has sufficiently recovered to be elected Mercer county superintendent of schools.

Jamestown Weekly Alert, 7/5/1888

Striped Tie

Posted 09/05/2015