Beside His Brother


Word comes from Lisbon stating that since the death o fone {sp} Frank Baker, who kept a blind pig, and the recent murder of Edward Callahan by his cousin, P. H. Callahan, at the little town of Enderlin, on the Soo line, in this county, it is town gossip that the locality where the pig was kept and the shooting took place, is haunted. The blind pig building and the Callahan hotel, which is the next building, are now deserted by all the former inmates, and lights are, it is said, often seen, and strange weird noises frequently heard about the premises. Women and children give the locality a wide berth at night. The body of the murdered young man has been taken back to his home in Canada, his slayer is in jail awaiting trial and Mrs. Callahan and her children have left the neighborhood and closed the hotel.

Bismarck Tribune, 11/9/1900

Merry Xmas, The Bloodworths

Posted 12/19/2015