Given Her Liberty

Damaged Automobile.

Four boys who had a good deal of fun Friday night at Hallowe'en tricks did not find it nearly so funny Saturday. They were taken in tow by the chief of police and kept in the city bastile several hours, and at a hearing in Justice Murphy's court were ordered to pay the damage which they had caused. An auto standing in the street near Withnell's residence on Milwaukee street was seized and pushed along to Third avenue where it was left immediately in front of the steps of the Lutz residence, on the sidewalk. The owner of the car, Karl Johnson, claimed that the wind shield had been broken and other damage done to the amount of $30, which the court ordered the boys to pay, in addition to $2 court costs. The boys left the court room to settle with the owner of the car on the best terms possible.

Most of the plate glass windows on Fifth avenue were soaped during the night, and in some cases the washing of the windows proved a good thing as it was badly needed.

Jamestown Weekly Alert, 11/6/1913

Contemptible Person

Posted 10/31/2017