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Foxholm Boy Disappears Mysteriously

Henry Nefzer, a farmer residing three miles east of Foxholm, along the Mouse river arrived in Minot late this afternoon, looking for his 12-year-old son, who disappeared at 7:30 o'clock last evening. Mr. Nefzer was at Phil Stammen's place working and his wife sent the boy out to a coulee to gather some kindling with whic {sp} to prepare the evening meal. The boy did not come back. When the father returned, he became alarmed and a search was made for the boy. All day today, scores have been searching the woods along the river, fearing the boy may have cut an artery with the ax he carried, or some other accident may have occurred. The boy was in the habit of going to the river alone to swim and it is feared that he may have drowned.

Not a trace of the lad has been found. The father accompanied by Phil Stammen came to Minot and asked the police to keep a lookout for the boy, who is described as being 4 feet and 6 inches tall, weight 70 pounds and light complexioned. He wore a blue overall suit, dark cap, tan shirt and black lace shoes.

Ward County Independent, 6/5/1919

Rain or Small Hail

Posted 08/11/2017