Did Not Come Back


Last Sunday afternoon Mr. William Russell, living about two miles northwest of town, discovered his roof on fire, caused from the stove pope, which was, as he thought, completely extinguished. Mr. Russell attended services in Bottineau Sunday evening, and on his return home from church found everything apparently all right. The family retired at the usual bed time, but before doing so Mr. Russell says he made a thorough examination and found everything to his satisfaction apparently safe. About midnight he was awakened by a cracking sound which he took to be rain or small hail, and on getting up found the house on fire, which had gained considerable headway. His first act was to awaken the boys who were sleeping up-stairs. After doing this he found the fire had gained such headway that it was impossible to save anything except a few household articles, and his own clothing. The young men who were asleep in the second story lost all of their clothing and the bed-room furnishings, Mr. Clark Russell losing about $20 in paper money. The barns, granaries and other buildings were not burned. The burned building was a log home, with a pole-thatched roof. Mr. Russell says as soon as harvest is over he will erect a better residence than the one burned but in the meantime he will be compelled to live in a tent, as he has not the time to spare from harvest to attend to building.

Bottineau Courant, 8/8/1896

New Baby

Posted 08/12/2017