

Certainly an enjoyable evening was spent Christmas eve at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Julius Meyer of Baldwin, the guest present being Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Graudento, Mr. H. W. Odegard, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nelson and Mr. and Mrs. Christ Diede. The guests arrived about dark and shortly after that Mrs. Robert Nelson lighted the Christmas tree and Mr. Robert Nelson called in the good, old Santa Claus. When old Santa did come there certainly was some laughing done. Some of the little ones got frightened but they soon made up with Santa. Clara and Louise Meyer then sang the hymn, "Jesus Loves Me, This I Know," and when these little ones were asked by Mr. Nelson if they could sing a German song for Santa they said they could and sang a hymn "Ihr Rinderlein Rommet." {sp} Palmer Straudemo then sang "My Country 'Tis of Thee." Then Santa began to open up his bundles and distributed the handsome presents. He did not miss a single one. When Santa came to little Louise Meyer he asked where her papa was and she said "He is out in the barn." Old Santa then asked the little ones if they all minded their papa and mama and told them that if they did not do so next year he would come with a big stick. Santa then departed with a good-bye and the little ones telling him to come again. After Santa left a dainty supper was served and games played which were enjoyed by young and old. At 1 o'clock a midnight lunch was served and the guests then departed, all wishing each other a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. The evening will long be remembered.

Bismarck Tribune, 12/30//1908

Kingdom of Childhood

Posted 12/24/2015