
Two Burned to Death.

Burning Barn Entraps Members of Threshing Crew.

Threshers sleeping in the hay loft of a barn four miles south of Straubville, Sargent county, accidentally set the structure on fire and two of the sleeping men were burned two death, two others will probably die of their burns, and a couple of others are in a serious condition but will probably recover. The fire was probably the result of smoking in the loft.

The crew was made up of transient laborers and the names of the victims are unknown. M. A. Wipperman went down yesterday and prepared the corpses for burial. The bodies were burned to a crisp.

A barn occupying the same site was struck by lightning and burned to the ground a year ago.

Hankinson News, 9/27/1906

Jaded Out

Posted 02/11/2015