Mad Rush in a Fargo Theater Stayed by Music.
Fargo, N. D., Feb 13.—With the Fargo opera house packed to the doors yesterday, a majority of the audience school children and women, George Radley, engineer at the theater, dashed from the stage through the audience calling for Chief Sutherland of the fire department.
In an instant the place was a veritable mob, with everyone cramming for the exits. Cries of "fire, fire," were all that could be heard. But then cooler heads prevailed until the piano player was rushed to the instrument on the stage and "America" was played with a charm that thrilled the mob.
A chorus of voices on the stage took up the air and in a moment the audience joined and order was restored again.
Although a few were jostled and slightly bruised, none were seriously injured. The address of President E. M. Vittum of Fargo college was then resumed and the Lincoln centenary program was carried out.
Turtle Mountain Star, 2/18/1909