Couple Portrait


Oil Explosion Fatal to Mill City Woman in North Dakota Town

Devils Lake—Sixty hours after the marriage ceremony which united Miss Ida Glinsdale of Minneapolis and Frank Kuntz of Starkweather, a fatal accident occurred at the home of the couple at Starkweather, Ramsey county, which probably will cost the life of the bride, besides injuring the bridegroom.

In lighting a fire, kerosene was used by Mrs. Kuntz. Evidently there were some live coals in the stove when the oil was poured in, for a terrific explosion followed. The woman was instantly enveloped in flames, which burned off all her clothing.

Dr. Fawcett of Starkweather was out of the village, and order to get relief the victim was wrapped in blankets and rushed to Devils Lake. At Garske an accident occurred which put the automobile out of commission and another car had to be brought down from Starkweather.

The patient and her husband is at the general hospital here. Practically the entire surface of her body was burned. Although she is resting easier at the hospital, there is little chance of her recovering.

Turtle Mountain Star, 5/9/1912

Swift Justice

Posted 03/18/2013