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Killdeer.—Joseph Remsing of his place was killed when the team he was driving, attached to a mower, ran away, throwing him out in front of the sickle bar.

Washburn Leader, 8/15/1919


Woman Is Believed Accidentally to Have Fallen Into Well.

The body of Mrs. Wallin, who disappeared last November and efforts to locate whom have proven unavailing, has been found in a cistern in the rear of the Merchants hotel at Lidgerwood.

Mrs. Wallin was the wife of a farmer living ten miles south of there and had been in Minneapolis for medical treatment. She suddenly developed mental trouble and was placed on a train and sent home. Just as the train reached Lidgerwood the woman sprang from it and ran. There was a blizzard raging at the time, and it was supposed that the unfortunate woman had wandered out on the prairie and had perished. Search for her body has continued, but without result, until a hired girl at the hotel found the body in an open cistern. It is believed that the woman was going to the hotel to seek shelter from the storm and in the darkness fell into the cistern and was drowned.

Golden Valley Chronicle, 6/6/1907


Williston, N. D., July 13.—John Rowland, a Mountrail county farmer, was found guilty of murder in the second degree by a jury in the district court here. The jury fixed the penalty at 30 years imprisonment in the state penitentiary. The verdict was returned after a deliberation of only two hours.

According to the case built up by the state and accepted by the jury, Rowland killed Harry Walcott, 20-year-old son of a neighboring farmer, as a result of bad blood which has existed between the families for some time. Young Walcott with a companion was passing the Rowland home with a load of hay when Rowland opened fire from his doorway with a rifle.

Mrs. John Rowland is also under arrest charged with being an accessory before and after the fact in the murder of young Talcott {sp}. The husband and wife demanded separate trials and the case against the woman was taken up in district court Monday.

Grand Forks Herald, 7/13/1916

Eight wagons loaded with Gypsies visited Medora Saturday and pursued their fortune telling avocation with considerable ardor. After leaving town they made camp near the Britt place, and some of the women of the outfit went to the house and demanded a quantity of food. Their actions were so lawless and disregardful of rights that Mrs. Britt phones to town; several men went out at once. The marauding band were peremptorily ordered by the sheriff to move along—and move they did.

Golden Valley Chronicle, 6/12/1914


Tioga, N. D., July 1.—Mrs. Harold Wigan, residing 3½ miles northeast of this city, is suffering from a severe fracture of the hip sustained in a peculiar manner. Mrs. Wigen, who is well advanced in years, was passing through the barn when a horse in some manner pushed her over. She was found soon after the accident and was given every possible care, but her advanced years will hinder her immediate recovery.

Grand Forks Herald, 7/1/1919


Man Is Knocked Down as He Leaves Bossy's Side.

Steele, N. D., Special.—Peter Ackerman had narrow escape from death by lightning while engaged in milking his cows. He had just completed "stripping" one cow and was moving to another when a bolt of lightning struck the barn and killed the cow he had just milked. Ackerman was knocked down by the bolt, but received no serious injury.

Bowbells Tribune, 6/15/1906

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