Issues Warning to Autoists to Drive Slowly and to Stay Close to Right Curb.
Mayor Dinnie yesterday made a statement calling to the attention of automobile drivers some of the traffic ordinances which have been much violated of late.
"During the present hot weather many drivers seem tempted to exceed the speed limit. These people must be made to understand that the safety and life of pedestrians cannot be endangered in this manner. The police are instructed to arrest anyone observed speeding."
The mayor also called attention to the fact that many automobile drivers are ignoring the ordinance requiring the machine to be driven as close to the right curb as possible. It is essential that this rule be observed in the interests of safety.
Grand Forks Herald, 7/13/1916
Two prisoners made their escape from the
county jail at Grafton. They went out through the ventilator in the roof. District court convened the next day, and they got out just ahead of their trials. Their names were Tony Smith and A. Arnott, and were in for violating the liquor law. It was Arnot's second appearance, and, if found guilty, he would have gone to
Hope Pioneer, 7/1/1897
Girls Swipe Watford City Swimmin' Hole
Watford City, N. D., July 16.—Sandy Beach, formerly known as the "swimmin' hole," is much frequented these days by Watford City girls clad in brief, up-to-date costumes. The boys will now have to look up another swimming hole or go back to the old Saturday night tub.
There will be no more frolicking in the breakers with nothing on but a sack of asafedita suspended from a string about the neck. If they prefer Sandy Beach the boys will either have to invest in bathing suits or sit on the shore, dig holes in the sand and fill them up again.
Grand Forks Herald, 7/16/1921
Shot His Sister.
Devils Lake, N. D., June 12.—Pat Gibbeny, aged 9, accidentally shot his 4-year-old sister, the ball entering the right shoulder and passing through both lungs and out the left side. The girl is still living, and may recover.
Jamestown Alert, 6/17/1897
Arrested Monday Night on Complaint of Other Deaf Mute of City.
Rev. C. O. Olson, arrested by the police Monday night, was released today after an investigation of his activities by Odin Overby, chief of police, and R. J. Purcell, police magistrate.
He has been soliciting funds here, it seems, in the interest of the deaf and dumb.
Olson, who claims to be deaf, can apparently write English but can only speak Norwegian, and at first apparently tried to make the police believe that he was also dumb. He soon recovered from the affliction, however, and loosed a torrent of Norwegian upon the officers.
He was kept at the city police station over night, and this morning was given a hearing before Police Magistrate R. J. Purcell. The case was continued until this afternoon for further investigation.
Olson was arrested at the request of other deaf mutes in the city who told the police he was a fakir.
Grand Forks Herald, 7/1/1919
There is some confusion over towns—in other counties bearing the names of counties. There is
McHenry in Foster County, and a
McHenry county.
Cavalier is in Pembina and there is a
Cavalier county. Then there is
Towner in McHenry County, and a
Towner county. Out west there is
Hettinger in Adams county, and also
Hettinger county. There are other instances in the state that cause a little mix-up occasionally. It is more confusing than
LaMoure in
LaMoure county,
Pembina in
Pembina county,
Grand Forks in
Grand Forks county.
Golden Valley Chronicle, 6/6/1907