Kids And Apples


The Scene of the Tragedy at Soapstone Cut Visited by a Tribune Reporter

Complete List of the Killed and Wounded—Travel will not be Delayed.

The Wreck.

Mandan, March 21.—[Special]—A serious accident occurred at 8 o'clock tonight to Jack Simmons' work train, at the bridge crossing Hart river two miles east of Sweetbriar. The facts are as follows: The snow-plow which was clearing the track was followed by Simmons' train, carrying twentyfive men in three sleeping cars, and immediately behind this came the regular passenger, No. 4. The trains approached the bridge, and the plow had passed safely as did the engine of Simmons' train. The sleepers of the train, however, for some reason jumped the track, and immediately four bents of the bridge gave way, the sleepers piling into the river with a terrific crash. As soon as results could be ascertained it was found that nine of the workmen were killed outright, and ten or a dozen injured, some seriously. The cars at once took fire after the fall, and were partially burned, two of the ill-fated workmen being consumed in the flames.


as recognized by their friends, were as follows:
Ole Johnson, found with one leg partially burned to ashes, head smashed and arms over his head as if suffering intense agony. He had just sent for his family in Norway to join him at Bismarck.
Thos. Wilson was found about ten feet from Johnson, a charred mess.
Wm. Watson was lying with one arm over his head and the other with hand burned off completely.
J. McCormick was found in a roll of blankets. He was probably first smothered and then burned.
Thos. Grady was found with head burned nearly off. A charred pocketbook was found beside him, containing some time checks and a considerable sum of money.
Geo. Moser, James O'Brien and Wm. McAndrews were found in similar positions.


George Miller, American, without relatives or friends, arm broken and cut badly about the head.
T. O. Berry, shoulder dislocated and cuts about the face.
The following received but slight injuries and are now being taken care of by the Northern Pacific officials here.
M. Hanson, Peter Lombard, A. Sunstrom, Jas. Kennedy, Pete Mann, John Percelles, Thomas Connors, Nels Quanstrom, Fred Mosher, Fred Harris, Chas. Corwin, Chas. Lanagan, Wm. Brennan, Chas. Sage, John Naery, Joe Smith, Jas. Donegan, F. O. Berry, Henry Mann, W. J. Babcock, Thoas. McQueen.

Messrs. Simons and Duncan who run the boarding train for the North Pacific, had over $700 in the rear car which was saved.

Thos. O'Connor, engineer of the fated train says the wreck caught fire almost instantly.


found the wreck to have been accidental and both train men and North Pacific officials are held guiltless.

A partially burned book with the following rather suggestive title was found in the ruins, "Knowledge is Safety."

The wreck is being rapidly cleared away and Superintendent Taylor says trains will be running on time again to-day.

Bismarck Tribune, 3/24/1882


Posted 03/30/2015