Horse Slips

Storm Strikes Northwest N.D.

Life and Property Loss is Reported from Minot

Minot, N.D., July 12—Life, property, and crop losses are reported from wind, hail, and electrical storms which have visited sections of north western North Dakota.

Peter Bungert, 56 of Minneapolis, was killed on the Tolef Bertrusten farm near Van Hook when he ventured from the basement of the house in which the family had taken refuge, to fight a fire in the yard.

Clara {illeg.} of Northgate lies in a Kenmare hospital, not expected to recover from severe burns which she received when lightning struck her father's farm home. Before the fire was extinguished the girl was unconscious, her body blistered and hair burned off.

Crop damage was reported from Van Hook, Rugby, and Garrison. At Blaisdell a large barn on the John Berg farm was blown over. Small buildings on the P.E. Bideu, P.M. Mown, Ole Tollefson, and A.T. Reynolds farms near Van Hook are reported leveled. The granary of T.J. De Tienna near Van Hook somersaulted twice and landed right side up ninety feet from the foundation.

The Bismarck Tribune, 7/12/1921

Double Misfortune

Posted 07/24/2012