Taken Refuge

Local Woman Has
Double Misfortune

A double misfortune in the form of severe burns from a gasoline explosion and also from scalding water has made Mrs Max Netzbandt, 228½ Avenue D west, a firm believer in the adage, "It never rains but it pours."

Wednesday was moving day in the Netzbandt household and Mrs Netzbandt, with other members of the family, was getting everything in readiness to move their house to the southwest part of town.

That's how the trouble began.

In draining the tank of the oil stove, it is believed escaping gasoline was ignited from a hot burner. When the explosion occurred, Mrs. Netzbandt was holding a tea kettle of boiling water, which she dropped in trying to shield her face from the flames.

She is resting at the home of a neighbor after having her burns dressed.

The Bismarck Tribune, 6/24/1931

His Lordship

Posted 07/25/2012