Painful Death


There were several Thanksgiving dinners given in the city, but the one at the Sheridan House was by all odds the most elaborate and complete dinner ever given in the northwest. Mr. Bly spared no expense to make this his chef d'aeuvre, and Mr. S. H. Emerson with the assistance of Mr. Fuller, bot au fait in the management of such affairs, did themselves proud in the arrangement of the delicacies and the serving of the guests. There has never been such a variety game dinner before given in the northwest, and it is doubtful if a better dinner was given in the east than that which greeted those who came to render thanks at the Sheridan yesterday. There were roasts of every nature, and among the game and fowl were wild and tame goose, turkey, chicken, all kinds of wild duck, tame duck, venison, elk, mountain sheep, buffalo, brant, antelope, etc., served in every concievable manner to suit the tastes of all. The list of delicacies, fruit, etc., was complete and too numerous to attempt a mention. Tempting Havana oranges peeped out from under clusters of Malaga grapes and lent to the tables a most enchanting magnetism.

Bismarck Tribune, 11/26/1880

Half Of Car

Posted 11/26/2015