Baleful Power

Father Should be Hung.

Judge Pollock, of Fargo, annulled the marriage contract of Joseph Gosselin and Nellie Bowman, who were married last April. The woman's story was presented in court is a revoting {sp} one. Last winter she met young Gosselin, while on a visit to Iowa, and he accompanied her to a number of parties. In April she and her father appeared at the Gosselin home near Grandin and by means of a shot gun compelled young Gosselin to marry the girl to save her honor. He did so, but refused to live with her and was arrested for non-support. Finally the case was compromised and he lived with her. To a lady friend she confided the story that her own father was responsible for her condition and that she had never been intimate with Gosselin. So soon as this was known to Gosselin's friends they instituted proceedings to have the marriage annulled. The woman swore to the story in court.

Ward County Independent, 9/23/1903

Team Plunges

Posted 09/22/2016