Not Instantly Killed


Hankinson, N.D., April 9.—Fred Menski, who Saturday night shot and killed Evan Jones, formerly sheriff of Richland county, is in jail at Wahpeton today, but refuses to make any statement regarding the murder. Jones was killed when he accompanied the constable to the Menski home to serve papers on Menski.

According to two witnesses, B. S. McIlwain and O. W. Bonath, who accompanied the two, the shooting followed a short argument, Menski picking up a shotgun near at hand. The papers were being served in attempt to gain possession of a wagon box. Menski, who is a carpenter, is said to have agreed to make the wagon box for a Hankinson man for $14, but later to have refused to deliver it for less than $20.

Jones is survived by a wife and three daughters. Two of the latter are school teachers, one at Dazey and the other in the northern part of the state. The third is attending Valley City normal.

Grand Forks Herald, 4/9/1917


Wahepton, N.D., April 16—Fred Meske, accused of the murder of Evan M. Jones, former sheriff of Richland county, will face trial at the next term of the district court, being bound over without mail at his hearing yesterday.

Meske was saved from lynching at Hankinson when the shooting took place, the action of the authorities in swearing in a special guard of a dozen men preventing a mob from forming and carrying out the threat to lynch the alleged murderer.

Grand Forks Herald, 4/17/1917


Manslaughter in Second Degree Decision of the Jury.

Wahpeton, N.D., July 10.—Emil Meske was convicted early today of manslaughter in the second degree and sentenced to one year in the state prison for killing Evan S. Jones, former sheriff of Richland county at the Meske home near Hankinson several weeks ago when Jones, aiding a constable in serving attachment papers.Meske made a plea of self defense, charging that Jones treated his wife brutally when she attempted to protect their property. The jury went out at 6:30 last night charged by Judge C. M. Cooley of Grand Forks. A verdict was reached at 5 o'clock this morning.

Grand Forks Herald, 7/10/1917

Uncle John and Aunt Bessie

Posted 04/09/2016