Train Signal Hits Girl

Asks Help To Find Father, Formerly Here

Reqest for help in locating her father, once a resident of or near Bismarck, is contained in a letter received by Sheriff Welch from Mrs G.C. Fain, Hotel Portland, San Francisco, California.

"Having found my mother after 35 years I am trying to find my father and will pay a liberal reward to anybody that can tell me where he is and where I can find him."

She explains that all she knows is that her father worked for Thomas Gilbert, who had a vegetable ranch near Bismarck, in the year 1884. Her mother was at the time Miss Ida J Gilbert, daughter of Mrs Thomas Gilbert, but is now married and living in Oakland, Calif., and the letter adds, "for some reason of her own will not tell me who my father was, not even his name or his race."

Mrs. Fain says she is living as comfortably as may be expected, but that she is worrying over who her father was and that "it is a terrible feeling not to know."

12/11/1922 Bismarck Tribune

Found Lying On The Prairie

Posted 11/21/2011