Moose and Wolves

Our Death Rate.

Undertaker Steinbach informs the Alert that the number of deaths in Stutsman county for the year 1881 was eighteen. Of this number two or three were paupers who came here from the west broken down in health and died and were buried at the expense of the county; one was drowned and the remainder doubtless some came here with constitutions so broken that they must have died in a short time whether they came to Stutsman county or remained away. The mortality was greater among the new comers than among the old settlers. So that taking into consideration the number of deaths of persons who really belonged here, it would not be over one half of one per cent. This fact alone should convince all that this is a healthy country.

Jamestown Weekly Alert, 2/24/1882

Ribs Broken

Posted 03/24/2016