Merely Left Standing

Mary Kicks Up an Awful Row With Baggageman and Is Jailed; An Old Offender

"Mary from Minot" tore things loose at the Great Northern railway depot late Wednesday afternoon.

She blew into town from Fargo on the Northern Pacific, and stopped at East Grand Forks i ntransit {sp}. As a consequence when she arrived at the Great Northern depot she was lit up with a 500 candle power illumination.

She wanted a trunk. She didn't have any check for same, but was going to have one anyway or know the reason why. When no trunk was forthcoming she announced her intention of cleaning up the force in the baggage room.

Mary is a husky female, and before long she had the entire force of baggage smashers climbing the walls for safety. The agent heard the rumpus and cautiously looked in the door. Then he turned a riot call into the police station.

Several cops hurried to the scene and finally managed to corral Mary, who they recognized as an old friend. She was kept at the police station all night and this morning was tenderly placed on board a train bound for the Magic City.

Mary has been arrested here on several occasions.

Grand Forks Evening Times, 8/28/1913

† Ed: At the time, North Dakota was a dry state, but Minnesota (where East Grand Forks is situated) was still 'wet', so the implication is that when the train stopped in EGF, Mary got off and got very drunk before riding the train over the river into Grand Forks.

Loses Hat

Posted 08/23/2016