Autoist Danger

Hot Time In Fargo

At about 9:30 last evening John Haas and John Holzer appeared at a house on Third street occupied by Ida Johnson and shortly after entering it assaulted her, beating and kicking her fearfully and also assaulting another woman who was in the house. After wreaking vengeance on the woman by this exhibition of brutality they left to return at about midnight and, finding an officer near the place, assaulted him. One of the men, whom Officer Ackelman says was John Holzer, striking him a severe blow to the face, which cut his lip and a general mix-up followed during which Officer Nystrom and Captain Dahlgren arrived and both Haas and Holzer were taken in charge. On the way to the station John Haas, in an effort to escape, bit the finger of Capt. Dahlgren very severely, thereby making his escape in a cutter, assisted by an onlooker who was run in by the police. The whole affair is a disgrace to the city and the sooner it is stopped the better it will be for the city. Warrants will be sworn over for the men this morning.

Bismarck Daily Tribune, 1-22-1902

Man In Winter

Posted 01/26/2013