Cut To Pieces

Shields Man Shoots Wife And Himself

Insane Jealousy of Young Helpmeet Results in Double Tragedy in Grant County


Flasher, N.D., Nov. 12—After striving without success to buy a revolver at Shields for, it is alleged, the avowed purpose of killing his young wife, of whom he is said to have been insanely and unreasonably jealous, Darold Myer, a well-know character of the Shields vicinity, proceeded to Raleigh, purchased a 32-calibre gun, hastened home, called Mrs. Myer to him; fired point blank at her head, and the turned the weapon upon himself, sending a bullet into his brain.

The double tragedy was promptly reported by neighbors. Dr. W. R. Shortridge was summoned from Flasher, and the victims were removed to his private hospital, where it was found that Mrs. Myers' wound was comparatively harmless, the bullet having entered her right cheek and lodged behind her right eye, not touching the brain. Myers, however, carried the ball in his brain, and he has remained unconscious, with symptoms of cerebral hemorrhage and the probability that apoplexy will settle in. Dr. W. R. Stonebridge just returned from a conference of war surgeons at Chicago, reports that evidence submitted there was to the effect that if a brain wound does not cause immediate death the victim has a chance to recover, by Myers condition late tonight was anything but favorable.

An Unhappy Union

Myers is 24 and his wife 21. Their union has not been a happy one, and Myers, who spent much of his time at Shields, is alleged to have talked freely of his marital troubles. Friday he spent the day in Shields, talking of his plans to end everything, and initially sought out a hardware store and demanded a gun. Knowing the man he was dealing with, the merchant refused to sell him a revolver. But at Raleigh, the would-be murderer was more successful. Before attempting the double murder, Myers wrote letters to his mother and immediate friends which presumably give the reasons for his crimes. These letters are sealed, and will be turned over to the Grant county authorities, who have been notified. The couple have an eighteen-months-old son who is at the hospital here with his mother. Myers probably will be moved Monday to Bismarck for an x-ray examination, should he survive over Sunday.

The Bismarck Tribune, 11-12-1917

Doctor Caused Death

Posted 10/11/2012