Shooting of Lover


Physician Had Been Watching the Home of Mr. Young for Some Time.


Insane Jealousy Supposed to Have Been the Cause of the Tragedy

Mott, N. D., June 20.—Disclosures made today in the triple tragedy at Carson clearly indicate that Dr. Newman had planned wholesale deliberate murder and suicide. Dr. Newman has acted somewhat strange during the past ten days. The story obtained is that Young, who is a former Presbyterian preacher, his wife, Mrs. Curry, a widow, and Alfred Anderson, proprietor of the Carson hotel, had planned a trip to Flasher. Dr. Newman had been watching the home of Young for some time and as soon as the car appeared, in company with Young, both walked to the house about three hundred feet distant, where the car stood. It was occupied by Anderson, as driver, in front, and Mrs. Young and Mrs. Curry in the rear. Young desired to light a cigar before entering the car and exclaimed: "Has anybody in the crowd got a match?"

Replied With a Shot.

The reply was given when Newman quickly drew an automatic revolver from his right hip pocket and aimed at Young, who fell to the ground. The bullet missed its mark. Anderson then jumped from the car on the farther side, when Newman turned the gun on the women. The first shot struck Young's wife in the left cheek, traveling through the roof of her mouth, and, it is believed, buried itself in the back of her neck. The second shot struck her in the left arm, which she threw up as the first shot was fired, and exclaimed, "My God, Doctor, what have I done for this?"

Grappled With Murderer.

The fourth shot was fired as Anderson and Young grappled with the murderer, the bullet striking Mrs. Curry on the top of the head, inflicting a slight scalp wound only. The terrific struggle with the three men on the ground, during which Newman managed to get a shot at Anderson, missing him, the bullet entering the ground. Newman fought hard to turn the gun on himself, but failed, as the gun was knocked from his hand.

Tried to Choke Young.

Newman then attempted to choke Young, obtaining a hard grip on his throat. Anderson broke loose, and, with the auto wrench, pounded Newman terrifically, but it seemed to have little effect. In the meantime, the injured woman had made way to a neighbor's house, their screams quickly attracting a crowd. Notwithstanding, Newman was much beaten, when struggle, which lasted fullly 10 minutes, was over, he got up and walked down to his own drug store with Charles Mott, refusing to say a word until he got to the door, when he turned to Mott, saying:

"Charley, you had better not come in," and locked the door behind him and went to the back of the store.

Later Young, accompanied by the village marshal, knocked on the front door, Young saying:

"Doc, give me some medicine. You have shot my wife. Your time has come."

Murderer Was Dead.

Newman paid no attention to Young, but when the marshal asked for medicine Newman from inside of the store, said:

"Are they hurt?"

Marshal said: "yes."

He then threw a package of medicine over the transom, saying:

"Wait a minute. I'll come up and help care for them."

Ten minutes later he was dead. Newman, going back to a bedroom, trained the contents of a bottle of potassium cyanide, fearful of becoming the victim of the large crowd that had gathered, and which was held back for some time.

The crowd produced a ladder, which they used as a battering ram, and smashed the door. Led by Marshal, they then made their way cautiously to the rear of the store.

No response was made to calls to surrender, and on opening the door into the bedroom, Newman was found lying across the bed in a last death struggle.

Was a Knight of Pythias.

Medical aid for the injured women was summoned from Flasher.

New Leipzig and Bentley authorities were notified and an inquest was held between 4 and 5 a. m.

They brought in a verdict of death by his own hands. The body was embalmed, and his mother and sisters at San Diego, Cal., wired. No response had been received at a late hour tonight. The body will probably be taken to Armenia {sp}, N. D., for burial.

Newman was a Knight of Pythias, a Royal Arch Mason, and owned a half section of land here. He was unmarried, and was born in Ohio. He started in life as a printer, and worked for eight years on the Toledo Blade. He came to Carson three years ago from Great Bend, this state.

Mrs. Curry Had Clerked for Newman

Mrs. Curry, one of the victims, has clerked in his drug store during the past seven months. She is a young widow with two sons. Newman was deeply enamored over her, and, it is said, wanted to marry her, but she refused him.

Newman evidently became extremely jealous at the cordial attentions extended by the ex-preacher and wife, and resolved to put an end to all concerned, whom he believed were trying to attract the widow's attention from him.

Villagers Very Reticient {sp}

The village seems to have recovered from the frenzied excitement of last night, many of the inhabitants having slept during the day. They are very reticient, and seem to be desirous of hushing up the terrible crime as quickly as possible.

Mrs. Young was taken to the Mandan hospital, wheer {sp} the bullet was found to have struck her in the cheek. The wound is not serious, and she will recover.

Bismarck Tribune, 6/21/1913


Mandan, N. D., July 14.—Mrs. J. E. Young, who has been at the hospital since she was wounded by the bullet fired by the late Dr. Newman, who afterwards suicided, has returned to her home at Carson, and has about fully recovered.

Bismarck Tribune, 7/15/1913

Not Born To Die That Way

Posted 07/13/2016