Riding A Cow

Meteor Strikes Ground Close to Farmer And Team

Edgeley, N.D., July 11.—R. Drenth, farmer residing near Deisem, narrowly escaped death when a meteor struck in the road immediately behind his buggy while he was driving three miles west of Deisem. Mr. Drenth, attracted by the unusually bright light, it being late in the evening, turned to see he {sp} flaming mass coming toward him, on an angle of about 40 feet from the ground. Then there was a heavy thud behind him, and the earth trembled. Mr. Drenth was uninjured, but for the fact that he urged the horse forward when he noticed the approaching missle {sp}, he would have been directly under.

Neighbors went to the scene the next morning, and found a mound not unlike a volcano in appearance, coated with a white, crusty formation, samples of which were taken for analysis. It has been estimated that the meteor was at least ten feet long, and four to five feet wide.

Hundreds of people have viewed the mound in the past few days.

Grand Forks Herald, 7/11/1918

Ed: This was around the time of the Richardton Meteorite, but 200 miles to the east.


Posted 07/11/2017