Weapons Concealed


Bowman, N.D., Nov 7—Aroused by the crashing of breaking glass, C. E. Joyce, sleeping in the rear of the Derby land office, rushed to the Farmers' and Merchants' bank building expecting to find the yeggs pocketing the cash. Sheriff Norem and Cashier O. M. Young, summoned from a nearby hotel, joined in the raid, and the trio stealthily stole up to the shattered window in the rear of the bank building to discover that a stray dog, who had been taken in earlier in the evening to give him a warm berth, had been locked in for the night by bank attaches who forgot they had him as a guest. Awakening around midnight the bow-wow apparently suspecting big business of some fell plot against his liberty, had first made an assault on the heavy plate glass windows in front and finally catapaulted himself through window, screen and all, at the rear of the bank, leaving some of his blood on the jagged pane to mark his exit.

Bismarck Tribune, 11/7/1917

Soldier And Baby

Posted 11/09/2013