Deep Water


Sends Children to Harvest Field to the Father and then Takes Her Life

Wednesday at noon Fred Kuglin, an industrious farmer, living two miles and a half west of Fairmount, came to town and made the shocking announcement that his wife had killed herself.

For some time Mrs. Kuglin's mind has been affected, but no great importance was attached to it as she seemed quiet and seemed to have no inclination of harming herself or any one.

Wednesday morning Mr. Kuglin with his boys went to the hayfield, leaving his wife with two children. Mrs. Kuglin was doing the housework, she had washed the breakfast dishes and had baked a cake. About 11 o'clock she sent the little ones to the hayfield to their father, after which she closed the doors and took a shotgun to the sitting room, where she pulled down the blinds, and then placed the muzzle of the gun under her chin and pulled the trigger with her toe, blowing one side of her face off which caused instant death.

It was but a short time when Mr. Kuglin came in from the field with his children, he found the dinner on the stove and ready to serve, but his wife was not there, going into the adjacent room she was found lying on the floor dead and her face unrecognizable with the shot-gun by her side.

The deceased had been slightly deranged for some rime, and it was never thought of that she would do such a rash act. She leaves a husband and a large family.

Coroner Ives, accompanied by M. M. Borman of Abercrombie, County Attorney Wolfe, Commissioners Robinson and Green, Sheriff Heley of Wahpeton came down in autos and held an inquest in the afternoon.—Fairmount News.

Wahpeton Times, 7/28/1910

Playing Ball

Posted 07/28/2016