Discovered Her Clothes


Local Residents Should lock Homes and Prepare For Travelling Crooks.

The advance guard of petty thieves, pickpockets that follow the various circuses about the country is, {sp} expected to arrive in the city tonight, making it imperative that all local residents take precautions to lock up their homes and protect any valuables that might tempt a prowler.

Tomorrow morning, local police expect a large number of transients here, fake artists and others who attempt to share in the profits of circus day. Chief Lowe will confer with circus detectives early tomorrow morning and it is believed that all crooks will be kept under surveilance {sp} throughout the entire day.

Too much precaution cannot be taken by local residents. While attending the big show, houses should be well locked, Chief Lowe asserts. The circus management is not responsible for the number of crooks who make it a point to trail about the country with the show, and the number of detectives will aid in every way possible to prevent the committing of crimes on the circus grounds.

Grand Forks Herald, 7/10/1917

Attempted Murder

Posted 07/09/2015