
New England Woman Dies From Gun Shot Fired Accidentally by Her Son

Wife of Well-to do Farmer Met Most Untimely Death


Several Small Children Left Motherless by Carelessness of a Boy

Bullet Struck His Mother In Stomach and Death Soon Followed

Father of Family a Well to Do Farmer at New England Six Years

NEW ENGLAND, Dec. 13.—Mrs. Cedar Neshja, mother of seven small children, died in the hospital here this morning as the result of a bullet wound in the stomach, which was inflicted Tuesday of this week, when her 14 year old son was examining a 32 calibre revolver.

Unknown to his parents the boy had purchased a new revolver and had taken it home. While the mother was occupied with her household affairs the youngster caused an accidental discharge of the weapon, the bullet lodging in his mother's abdomen.

She was immediately taken to the hospital but medical and surgical attention was without avail, and she died after considerable agony this morning.

The family lived about six miles from New England, where they settled on a farm. They were well known in this section of Hettinger county and had prospered.

By Mrs. Neshja's death a husband with seven little motherless children are left with a cheerless home.

There will be no inquest, and attending physicians pronounced her death as purely accidental. The affair caused a shock to the entire community.

Bismarck Tribune, 12/13/1912


Posted 12/19/2017