McGann's Room


Wheaton, Minn., Oct. 8th.—As a result of a stabbing affray Edward Raymond of Omaha is dying with a knife cut extending from the base of his skull to the point of his chin, and two others, one of them Oscar Bartlow, is seriously cut about the head and shoulders.

The cause of the row is a mystery. The two Van Winkle brothers, farming the old Dale ranch, west of Lake Traverse, came to town and were in Korsbrek's Saloon drinking with Raymond, and without apparently any provocation, started a row. Raymond was the nearest to them and was stabbed, nearly bleeding to death before a doctor was secured.

Bartlow happened in with the third man, just in time to get four ugly gashes. Both the Van Winkles are in jail, and give no explanation. The dying man and Bartlow have been working on threshing rigs around this place for several years, and had the reputation of being quiet and orderly.

Hankinson News, 10/11/1906

In The Barrel

Posted 10/09/2014