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Fargo.—One man was shot in the head and a score of others robbed when a band of five bandits, masked and armed, entered a bunkcar occupied by members of a section crew near Sandborn, and broke up a card game in progress, confiscating all the money in sight and then forcing the men to turn ocer {sp} their reserve supplies and other valuables.

Washburn Leader, 8/15/1919

A colony of 200 Russians will locate near Kulm. The foreigners present quite a picturesque appearance in their national costumes. None of the party speak or understand English.

Hope Pioneer, 7/1/1897

Gene Fast, son of a prominent Deering farmer, was drowned in the Little Deep, east of that place. He was swimming when he was seized with cramps in his right arm, and called for help. Two boys swam out to rescue him, but he was so exhausted by the time they reached him that he could not hold to them. He sank never to arise. One of the rescuing party was nearly drowned.

Ward County Independent, 7/28/1910

Sheldon.— Jessie Erbstosser, 2 years old, was killed by boiling water, thrown out of a window by a workman employed at the Erbstosser home. The child was playing directly beneath the open window when the water was thrown.

Sioux County Pioneer, 8/1/1918

Young Woman Kills Friend.

Anamoose, N. D., June 10.—While examining a revolver a young woman named Williams, living on a claim near McCluskey, shot and instantly killed George Cole, aged twenty-three, who lived on an adjoining claim.

Bowbells Tribune, 6/15/1906

Embezzling County Treasurer.

Sheriff Scofield accidentally ran across A. R. Graves, the missing county treasurer, wanted at his old home at Troy, Doniphan county Kansas, on the charge of embezzling money from the county besides $2000 from an insane man, for whom he was guardian. Graves was introduced to Mr. Scofield in a hotel at Portal. He had been making his headquarters at North Portal, Can. but strayed over the line. He was brought to Minot and is awaiting the arrival of the sheriff of Doniphan county. He takes his medicine rather cooly, saying that he is intending returning to Kansas in about aweek {sp} anyway. Mr. Scofield receives $50 reward for the lucky capture.

Ward County Independent, 7/20/1904

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