John Price, a farmer living near Pingree, while driving by the White House on the hill last evening, was fired at twice by one of the female inmates. One of the bullets narrowly missed his head. The matter was reported at police headquarters.
Jamestown Alert, 6/10/1886
White House on the Hill Destroyed by Fire Early Saturday Morning.
Fire Was Undoubtedly Started by a Firebug Who Applied the Torch.
Believed that There Will be Little Difficulty in Bringing Criminal to Justice.
The white house on the hill in the northwestern portion of the city, about a mile from the business portion, burned between 2 and 3 o'clock a. m. Saturday. There is no doubt but that the fire was of incendiary origin. The house was used for many years as one of ill fame. Last fall the occupants moved to a new one nearer the city. Friday W. H. Rust and wife moved into the old house and it was understood that a place in opposition to the one already on the hill was to be run. Their stay was short. When they were awakened the north end of the house was ablaze. They succeeded in saving a dresser, commode, and a trunk. They lost the rest of their furniture.
There is not the slightest cause to doubt that a crime was committed. The fire was not caused by lightning and there had been no fire in a stove. A lighted lamp in the room of Mr. and Mrs. Rust was the only one in use.
The matter will be thoroughly sifted by the authorities. There are a number of clues to work on and it is not thought there will be any difficulty in arresting and convicting the guilty party. A firebug did the job and should be placed where he can do no harm. Such lawlessness will not be tolerated no matter what the purposes for which the building was used. Mrs. Webber has lost her building and carried no insurance and the party who did the burning should be severely dealt with.
It is understood that threats were made that a new "house" could not be opened on the hill.
The occupants say they could plainly distinguish the odor of burning kerosene.
The loss amounts to several hundred dollars.
Jamestown Alert, 7/23/1902
Geo. Hoover, a laborer around town, went down to
Casselton last week and stole a heifer. He was arrested and locked up. While in jail he hung himself, making a rope of his handkerchief.
Hope Pioneer, 6/28/1900
Mrs. Derby has a fine lot of young chicks, but lost a nice brood by a skunk. She didn't wait for him to dispose of the rest of her poultry, but armed with a stout cudgel sallied forth on the war path. Good old Rover very gallantly insisted on taking the job off her hands, but soon turned his attention to sundry gambols on the grass. His mistress in the meantime vanquished the enemy.
Jamestown Alert, 6/17/1897
Grand Forks, June 24.—William King, a colored man who worked at the variety theater in East Grand Forks up to a few weeks ago, was arrested in that city yesterday afternoon on the charge of murdering Joseph Edwards at
Thief River Falls. It appears that Edwards, Williams and some other congenial spirits went from Thief River Falls across the river into
the Indian reservation on Friday night to attend a dance and have a general good time. Dancing was indulged in and during the evening Edwards was shot in the right knee. He had prompt medical attendance, and it was thought that the wound was not dangerous until last night, when Edwards died. King came to East Grand Forks yesterday after the receipt of a telegram from Thief River Falls yesterday afternoon, Chief Hurst arrested him on the charge of murder. He was not greatly surprised, but stated that Edwards had shot himself accidentally.
Hope Pioneer, 7/1/1897
Rush From Pen Striving to Reach Food.
Fargo, N. D., June 10.—Louis Watson of Amenia is in the county hospital suffering from a broken leg and other injuries as a result of an encounter with a drove of husky porkers. Watson took down the bars to enter a pen where he had a number of hogs. The animals were unusually hungry, and as they saw food in the next pen, they stampeded as soon as the bars were let down. Watson was thrown down and trampled upon by the animals, his leg being broken and his body badly bruised. He will recover.
Bowbells Tribune, 6/15/1906
A calf was born on a farm near
Hankinson with two heads and a pair of tails.
Golden Valley Chronicle, 6/6/1907