(Special to The Tribune)
Charlson, N. D., March 8.—What is probably the largest log ever seen in Charlson was hauled this week by M. Gudbransen. The stick, which was taken from a sandbar in the river, measured 18 feet in length and was 4 1-2 feet in diameter at the larger end. Gudbransen was obliged to cut it in two before he could haul it. Each part was a four-horse load.
Bismarck Tribune, 3/8/1917
A Lumberman Killed.
Rum River Camp, Minn., March 18.—Lewis White, of the pine region, the terror of Minnesota, and who is generally known as Curly Bill, was instantly killed yesterday by Charles E. Hayden. The latter received a cabinet photograph of his wife and two children, and the loggers gathered about him to look at it. White attached the woman's character, and a violent quarrel ensued, ending in a rough and tumble fight, in which Hayden came off victor. White then went to his room, secured an ax and rushed at Hayden, who calmly drew his revolver and shot the bully through the heart. Hayden was placed under arrest. He came here from Augusta, Me. White hails from Muskeegon, Mich.
Bismarck Tribune, 3/15/1889
Minnesota Bachelors are Backward, So She Will Try Dakota.
Miller, S. D., March 14.—An Eastern old maid, having read of the inability of directors here to keep the schools running on account of the teachers being married by rich bachelors, makes application for the school, and in her postscript says: "Unless they act different from the bachelors in Minnesota, where I have taught thirty-odd terms, you can depend on me to teach right along. I do hope there will be no danger out there.
Ward County Independent, 3/18/1903
Anna Sameruk, a domestic in the employe of the Maxwell House at
Balfour, is in the
county jail at
Towner charged with infanticide.
Ward County Independent, 3/21/1907
Segurd Christianson of Rolla had the misfortune to sever the thumb of the left hand at the first joint while attempting to chop a piece of wood with a hatchet. He held the piece of wood against a building with the left hand and struck it with the hatchet, but in some manner the hatchet slipped in descending and came in contact with the thumb, which was parted nearly at the first joint, leaving but a small piece of skin holding it to the other part of the member.
Ward County Independent, 3/23/1916
Miss Ella Uline of Devils Lake was burned to death this afternoon at her home in this city. She was found lying across a coal stove, her clothing having taken fire while she was tending the fire. She was 31 years old, and a daughter of Col. Uline, one of the founders of the city of Devils Lake.
Grand Forks Evening Times, 2/8/1913