Treats Cow's Mouth; Contracts Rabies
Grand Forks.—Samuel Weight, a Barnes county farmer, is undergoing the Pasteur treatment in Grand Forks for rabies. A cow on Weight's farm transmitted the disease to him when he treated the cow's mouth. His hands were severely chapped at the time and through the chapped skin the poison germs got into his blood.
Sioux County Pioneer, 1/7/1916
Mr. and Mrs. Holcomb Wedded Wednesday Will Spend Forty Days of Wedded Bliss Apart.
To be married in a county jail and then to be sentenced by Judge C. M. Cooley to spend their honeymoon in the jail, is the experience of Mr. and Mrs. Holcomb. The couple, W. J. Holcomb and Emma Jacobson, were brought to this city from Langdon on a statutory charge. They were married Tuesday in the jail and yesterday Judge Cooley blasted their hopes of release by sentencing them to forty days each. There have been various kinds of unique honeymoons but probably none more unusual than this.
Grand Forks Evening Times, 2/27/1913
Sheriff Benson Has Seven Male Inmates of County Jail at Work on the Big Woodpiles.
Life in the Grand Forks county jail is not so unpleasant if you like to saw wood. Sheriff J. Z. Benson had his seven male prisoners busy all day today making inroads on the big piles of cordwood that fill the back yard of the courthouse. Included among the sawyers is the bridegroom of yesterday, W. J. Holcomb, who will spend a considerable portion of his honeymoon sawing wood if the weather is fine. At that the prisoners seemed to enjoy the exercise and worked with a will.
Grand Forks Evening Times, 2/28/1913
James Robinson, who was in jail at Minot for blind pigging and perjury, escaped from custody, being aided by a friend on the outside. He started for Canada, but got only about nine miles, turning up at the home of a rancher with both hands and feet frozen, as the temperature was about 40 below zero.
Cooperstown Courier, 3/5/1903
Caught a Bootlegger.
During a Maccabee ball given at Crary on the night of the 17th inst. it became evident that some one was dispensing liquor and a little investigation revealed the fact that Wm. Petri, an ex-barteuder {sp} hailing from Devils Lake, was the individual who was doing it. The Maccabee trustees, E. M. Crary and Fred Stevens, took prompt action and soon had out a warrant for Petri's arrest. Quite a quantity of liquor in bottles was found secreted on his person. He was bound over to the district court, bail being fixed at $300, which he was unable to give.
Devils Lake Inter-Ocean, 3/25/1898
Helen Beyer, ten-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Beyer, No. 5 Bacon block, was the hostess at a St. Patrick's day party given to twelve of her little friends yesterday afternoon.
The hours were from 4 to 7 o'clock, and games and music were enjoyed. Special St. Patrick decorations were used and a luncheon was served by the hostess' mother.
Grand Forks Herald, 3/18/1921