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Widow With Seven Children Needs Aid — In Dire Straits

Who will help a widow, with seven children, the oldest 16 and the youngest 4, until arrangements can be completed by the city or county for aid? The family has been maintained for two weeks out of the bigheartedness of working men—the cupboard has been bared, few clothes are available for the kiddies, the mother is broken hearted.

Mrs. Canutex La France, wife of the hotelier by that name who died two weeks ago is the woman the appeal is made for. She with the seven children are hoveled together in a little shack on the west side of the city—208 W Eleventh street—wondering where to turn and what to do. Subscriptions can be addressed to The World or investigation made and help rendered direct to Mrs. LaFrance.

The Devils Lake World, 4/13/1921


James Ryan contributed $2.00 and A. Oto, $5.00 thru The World last week to aid Widow La France who with her seven children in a little house on the West side is in dire straits and dependent upon the charity of kind hearted persons.

The Devils Lake World, 4/20/1921

A boy living at Mr. Geo. Grogan's was kicked by a mule the other day, on his arm, inflicting an ugly gash. Dr. Harris dressed the wound.

Pembina Pioneer Express, 4/23/1886

Prisoners Saw Way Out.

Minot.—Three prisoners escaped from the Ward county jail here by sawing the bars of their cell windows and lowering themselves to the ground by means of a blanket from the cell bunk. The men who escaped are J. Beall, colored, of Portal, convicted of robbery and sentenced to spend seven years in the state prison; J.W. Brady of Minot, convicted of wife desertion, and Albert Snyder of Donnybrook, charged with forgery.

Pembina Pioneer Express, 3/20/1914

Leopard Attacks Red Lake Children

Red Lake Falls, Minn., Aug 8.—A leopard, which has been at large since escaping from a circus at Crookston, attacked two children of William Wageman, at his fam near here yesterday. The lives of the children were saved by the family dog, a Scotch collie which charged the animal, diverting its attention while the children escaped into the house. After it had killed the dog the leopard escaped into a corn field.

In the afternoon more than 100 children, including business men and farmers, organized to participate in a systematic hunt for the animal.

A hunting party that went from Crookston Sunday to hunt for the animal returned unsuccessful.

Valley City Times-Record, 8/14/1913


Animal Escapes from Circus and Alarms Farmers.

Crookston, Minn., July 31.—There was renewed excitement in connection with the escaped leopard which has been killing stock, when the animal appeared today near the George Goodwin farm, north of Eldred. Mr. Goodwin got four chots at the leopard with a revolver, but failed to hit it.

An organized hunt for the beast is being planned. Stock has been killed and great alarm is felt by farmers.

The Leavenworth Times, 8/1/1913


Minnesota Famers Pursued by Leopard That Has Killed Stock.

Crookston, Minn., Aug. 4.—A leopard, supposed to have escaped from a circus passing through this vicinity, has created a panic about four miles north of Mentor. A horse, two calves and a cow were killed in a pasture during the past three days, the affair causing great mystery, until two men working in a hay field saw the animal and jumped onto a hayrack and raced for home. The beast followed for a way and then disappeared in a woods. The countryside is much excited and the milking is being done before dark.

The Chanute (KS) Daily Tribune, 8/4/1913


Scores of Searchers Look for Supposed Prey of Circus Beast.

CROOKSTON, Minn., Sept. 5—Urged by fear that a lost baby will fall prey to an escaped circus leopard near Erskine, two automobile loads of citizens with bloodhounds have gone from here to aid the searchers. The child has been missing two days. Her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Ganson, believe the leopard, which has devoured cattle, horses, and dogs, has already slain the child.

The (Chicago) Inter Ocean, 9/6/1913


Continue Hunt for Three Year Old Daughter of Minnesota Man, Who Disappeared Several Days Ago.

Crookston, Minn., Sept. 6.— The hunt for the 3-year-old daughter of Jacob Ganthern of Erskine, who has been lost for several days, is being continued by hundreds of people today.

It is believed the little girl perished in a severe storm which prevailed the night following her disappearance and was later devoured by a leopard that some time ago escaped from a circus, or by wolves.

The country surrounding the home of the Gantherns is said to abound with wolves.

Chicago Tribune, 9/7/1913

Lost Child Is Found Starving

Erskine, Minn., Sept. 8.—Beulah Ganzhorn, the 3-year-old daughter of William Ganzhorn, who had been lost for the past four days, was found late Sunday under a pile of brush in the woods for from her father's home eight miles west of this place. She had subsusted on grass and dirt since her diappearance.

Large posses have been searching for the child, the belief being general that she had been carried away by a leopard said to have escaped from a traveling circus some time ago.

The searchers who found the girl were led to the place by bloodhounds brought here from the St. Cloud, Minnesota training school. When found she was still conscious and crying piteously for her mother.

Chillicothe (MO) Constitution, 9/9/1913

Ed: I found no story regarding the leopard's capture, nor any circus in the area during 1913.

We have seen an egg that measures 8½ by 6½ inches, weighing 4oz, ½ dram, 1 grain, layed by an ordinary hen. Also a kitten in the possession of Thos. Edwards having two heads, two mouths, four eyes, two ears and mews with both mouths at once. The egg is in possession of Miss Minnie Edwards.

Pembina Pioneer Express, 4/23/1886


Mrs. Kluxdahl,Wife of Nankin Pastor, Badly Burned As Result of Explosion

Lankin, N.D., April 2.—Warming gasoline to clean some clothes, the fluid exploding and scattering fire in all directions and igniting her clothes, Mrs. Kluxdahl, wife of Rev. Kluxdahl of this village, had presence of mind enough last week to throw herself into a snowbank and thus extinguish the flames, and save her life. Her sister, Miss Handrud was badly burned in endeavoring to put out the fire.

Bismarck Tribune, 4/2/1917

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