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Rooney's Death Watch—A very effective death watch has been placed over John Rooney, sentenced to death for the murder of Harold Sweet, Aug. 26, 1902, on the outskirts of Fargo. The day watch is a man of large proportions and he sits in the condemned cell with the prisoner always before him during the watch. The sentence of death will be carried into effect Tuesday, Oct. 17, and the warden of the penitentiary has already formulated his plans. Rooney still insists that he will not be hanged.

Bismarck Tribune, 10/2/1905


John Rooney Also Remarks on Small Attendance at His Hanging.

BISMARCK, N.D., October 17.—Singing a song of his own composition, John Rooney walked on the trap in the jail here to-day and was hanged for the murder of Harold Sweet. He remarked on the small attendance and protested his innocence.

Indianapolis (IN) News, 10/17/1905

Editor note: the Indy News dateline should read "Fargo"; Rooney was hanged in the Cass County Jail in Fargo, the first under a new law prohibiting public executions.


Bismarck, N.D., Jan 16.—Isham Hall, known as the "king blindpigger of Bismarck," yesterday pleaded guilty in justice court, before Justice Beer, to the charge of selling beer. He was fined and sent to jail for 90 days.

Last Saturday, after eight witnesses had sworn they had purchased liquor from Hall, he was freed.

State's Attorney McCrdy immediately ordered his re-arrest, and yesterday when Hall learned that McCurdy proposed to take the case directly into the district court, he made the plea of guilty.

Fargo Forum and Daily Republican, 1/16/1917

Mr. James Taylor, manager of the St. Anthony and Dakota Elevator Co's. house in this city, sustained a very painful accident while at work Monday morning last. Mr. Taylor was compelled to inspect a part of the machinery, and while doing so, the ladder on which he was standing suddenly slipped from under him, and he was thrown to the floor, with sufficient force to break his wrist. Dr. Harris was summoned to reduce the fracture and we hope for a speedy recovery.

Turtle Mountain Star, 9/25/1913

A horrible accident occurred last week near Comstock, the other side of Wahpeton. The little two year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. N. Roen was playing on a hayrack and in some way fell between the boards and was caught by the head and strangled to death.

Hankinson News, 7/27/1905

Manning had a series of accidents last week in which Mike Cullsky was struck on the head with a ball bat, Frank Johnson was struck in the eye with a ball while witnessing a game and Fred Hammell was kicked in the ribs by a horse. Affixed to the other tragedies while Crosby Fox was hitching a colt the animal planted one foot in his mouth and Miss Bernice Deming lost her life in a runaway.

Valley City Times-Record, 8/7/1913


Grand Forks, N.D., Oct. 3.—One hundred and fifty dollars in currency and $400 in checks was obtained by robbers in a raid on the Grand Forks Ice company's office here early today. Failure of the cashier to properly lock the safe made work easy, although the office is located in the heart of the business district with the safe in the glare of the arc lights and readily visible from the streets. In taking the checks the burglars left several that were questionable.

Bismarck Tribune, 10/4/1913

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