Floral Upholstery

Rooney's Death Watch—A very effective death watch has been placed over John Rooney, sentenced to death for the murder of Harold Sweet, Aug. 26, 1902, on the outskirts of Fargo. The day watch is a man of large proportions and he sits in the condemned cell with the prisoner always before him during the watch. The sentence of death will be carried into effect Tuesday, Oct. 17, and the warden of the penitentiary has already formulated his plans. Rooney still insists that he will not be hanged.

Bismarck Tribune, 10/2/1905


John Rooney Also Remarks on Small Attendance at His Hanging.

BISMARCK, N.D., October 17.—Singing a song of his own composition, John Rooney walked on the trap in the jail here to-day and was hanged for the murder of Harold Sweet. He remarked on the small attendance and protested his innocence.

Indianapolis (IN) News, 10/17/1905

Editor note: the Indy News dateline should read "Fargo"; Rooney was hanged in the Cass County Jail in Fargo, the first under a new law prohibiting public executions.

Sentenced By Beer

Posted 10/13/2014