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Joseph Kovash, the 17 year old son of Vincent Kovash, was accidentally shot in the head at the home of Frank Kostelesky sixteen miles southwest of Dickinson, Monday. A crowd had gathered at the Kostelecky home to celebrate the occasion of a son's wedding. Wenzel Kostelecky had a six-shooter loaded with blank cartridges which he was discharging; when shooting behind him the wad from one of the cartridges struck Kovash in the forehead between the eyes. His left eye was badly burned by the powder and the right eye affected. He was immediately brought to St. Joseph's hospital in Dickinson, where he is getting along nicely.

Valley City Times-Record, 2/6/1913


Amanda Wenzel, Little Girl Eight Years Old, Traveled From Russia to Minot Alone.—Enroute to Upham, Her Future Home.

Little Amanda Wenzel, only eight years old traveled all the way from Russia to Minot, arriving Tuesday night after a trip lasting five weeks. She can speak only the Russian language, but made the trip without any trouble for she was properly tagged, showing the place whence she came and the destination she was endeavoring to reach. The little girl is now in the city in charge of Mrs. Weigand of the Grand Hotel, but will be sent to Upham where relatives live. The little girl is a bright and pretty child and will soon become accustomed to American ways.

Ward County Independent, 3/14/1907

It appears Amanda did well after learning our American ways: quick research shows she died at age 86 in Vancouver, Washington.

Abbott's saloon was broken into last night and 250 cigars and a bottle of brandy "hooked."

Bismarck Tri-Weekly Tribune, 3/21/1878

Only his presence of mind saved M. G. Breslin, manager of the Sherwood Electric Co. from death by electrocution Monday evening. Mr. Breslin was tightening a loose burr on the switch board with a pair of pliers when a "leak" sent 135 volts of current thru his body, throwing him down and partly melting the pliers. By means of a wire within reach, he was able to short the current and release himself. The lead in a pencil in his pocket was also melted. The accident occured about six o'clock. Mike says that death was never closer when he was monkeying with wires overseas.

Ward County Independent, 3/9/1922

The fourth member of the Helm family at Anamoose, run down by the Soo Line "Spokane Limited" last Sunday, died last night, Elsie aged 16 years, being the victim. She had not regained consciousness since the accident. Martin Helm, aged 11, is also still unconscious. The concussion of the brain and fracture at the base of the skull doubtless will prove fatal. Joseph Sheis is another victim who will probably die. The physicians have no hopes of keeping the death list below six.

Valley City Times Record, 2/6/1913


SHELDON, N.D., April 4.—One of the little daughters of William Leach of this vicinity, had her skull fractured when the school bus in which she was riding, overturned and the team ran away, throwing her on the hard ground. She was taken to a Fargo hospital. Her younger sister was bruised.

Bismarck Tribune, 4/5/1921

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