Another Shooting Affray at Mandan
Two circus men quarreled at Mandan Sunday night over a game of poker. One of them lost all his money, and upon being refused a loan of 50 cents pulled a 38-calibre revolver and fired. The ball struck a rib and lodged two inches below where it entered. The bullet was removed, and the wounded man went on with the circus, while the prisoner awaits trial at Mandan.
Bismarck Daily Tribune, 6/25/1890
Chronic Suicide Again Active in City of the Jim
Jamestown, N.D., June 16.—George Peterson, believed to be insane, escaped from the county poor farm early Thursday evening and for several hours was at large about the city. He was finally lodged in the county jail, where he is awaiting a hearing before the county insanity board.
Peterson is the same man who several weeks ago attempted suicide twice in one night on the outskirts of the city. He first jumped into the James river, but was fished out by boating parties. He then stood on the N.P. tracks in front of an approaching freight and was bowled into the ditch. Fortune again smiled, or frowned, on Peterson and he escaped with but minor injuries. He was remanded to the county poor farm to recover from his bruises, but evidently did not approve of his quarters.
Bismarck Tribune, 6/16/1917
Child Meets Death.
Beach.—With both arms cut off and his body badly mutilated, the 6-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Botch, near here, met instant death. The father had hitched a team to a gang plow and left them for a moment to go into the house. While he was absent the animals became frightened and ran away. The boy was playing in the yard, was knocked down and run over.
Turtle Mountain Star, 6/19/1913
The shot gun brigade escorted $120,000 worth of gold from the Homestead mine to Deadwood the other day. It will require a gantling
{sp} gun support to get it out of town.
Bismarck Tribune, 6/3/1887
Sioux Falls, S.D., May 26.—It is pretty tough on a man when he cannot go hme and enter his own house through a window without being arrested by the police. But that was what happened to a householder on West Eighth street, between Duluth and Summit avenue last night.
According to the police, a woman telephoned the police station about 11 o'clock p. m. and excitedly told the desk sergeant that someone was trying to break into her house, and was at one of the windows making a disturbance while she was telephoning.
Police officers hastily jumped into the patrol wagon and made a run to the scene of action. Then the fun began. There was all kinds of explaining. The woman of the house opened the door to explain things to the policemen, when the man that was wanted stepped into sight.
"Hands up!" demanded the officers.
"Nothing doing," answered the man, "can't I even try to get into my own house without being arrested? Explain things, wifey dear."
Then the police men went back to the station and told the story.
Mitchell Evening Republican, 5/26/1921
James Casey, a fireman at Neche, attempted to cross the track between two box cars, just as an engine was backing down to couple the train together. He was caught by the draw bars and literally cut in two.
Bismarck Daily Tribune, 8/20/1902